Anise Seed Pimpinella anisu
- support for a productive cough
- runny nose relief
- ease an upset stomach
- support a healthy milk supply
- ease menstrual discomfort
- improve urine flow
- good source of fiber, iron, and other nutrients
Products that contain Anise Seed
- Herbal Respiratory
- Maxi-Milk
- Weight Control Formula II
Ashwagandha Withania somnifera
- minimize anxiety and improve energy
- promote healthy fertility (in certain cases)
- support cardiovascular and respiratory endurance
- destroy free radicals with its powerful antioxidants
- help lower cortisol and balance thyroid hormones
Products that contain Ashwagandha
- Femme Defense
- Adren-L-Aid
- Herbal Thyroid Care
Astragalus Astragalus membranaceus
- immune system booster
- lowers cortisol, the stress hormone produced in the adrenal glands
- supports reproductive health
Products that contain astragalus
- Adren-L-Aid
- Adren-L-Aid II
- Femme Defense
- Legacy Herbs
Barberry Berberis vulgaris
- used as an antibiotic to fight off harmful micro-organisms
- support to the liver
- helps regulate bacterial microbiome in the digestive tract
- indicated for intestinal disturbance
Bilberries Vaccinium myrtillus
- anti-aging effects
- collagen support
- powerful antioxidant benefits
- blood circulation support
- anti-inflammatory and relief from associated discomfort
- maintain healthy veins
- enhanced vision
Products that contain bilberries
- Femme Defense
- Variplex
- Herbal Vita-Mini
- LiverGlow II
Burdock Arctium lappa
- high Vitamin C and iron content
- has mild laxative properties
- works on lymphatic system
- blood cleanser
Chamomile Flowers Anthemis Noblis
- may help cleanse personal environment and support good health
- anti-inflammatory
- suppress smooth muscle spasms
- supports proper blood flow and platelet formation
- may aid in the relief of seasonal discomforts
- flavoring agent
Products that contain Chamomile
- HC Formula
- Dermacure Conditioner & Scalp Therapy
- Infant Tummy Aid
- Femme Defense
- T&C Formula
- Yeast X
- Relief Burn Therapy
Chaste Tree Berry Vitex angus-castus
Chaste Tree berries are a tonic herb for both the male and female reproductive systems. It acts directly on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to help control hormone levels, providing:
- balance for hormone levels
- support for fertility and reproductive health
- menstruation pain relief
- lactation support
- prostate support
Products that contain Chaste Tree berry
- Femme Defense
- Maxi-Milk
- Fruitful Vine
- HB Formula
- Weight Control Formula II
Cleavers Galium aparine
- helps the lymphatic system
- helps decongest the body
- blood cleanser
- Fresh cleavers contain Vitamin C and flavonoids, as well as minerals.
- externally used to sooth skin irritation, psoriasis, and burns
Cornsilk Zea Mays
Cornsilk contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fibre. It also contains compounds that may help the body rid itself of unneeded water and salt, which helps support
- healthy blood sugar levels
- inflammation reduction
- urinary system, including the bladder and kidneys
- cardiovascular health
- steady energy levels
Products that contain Cornsilk
- HC Formula
- Femme Defense
- Weight Control Formula (and Weight Control Formula ll)
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale
- rich in Vitamin A and minerals
- a beneficial liver herb
- acts as a tonic on the digestive system, liver, and gallbladder
- helps regenerate new skin cells and reduce inflammation
Products that contain Dandelion
- Herbal Vita-Mini
- Adren-L-Aid II
- Gentle Birth
- LiverGlow
- Herbs & Iron
Eleuthero Root Eleuthrococcus senticosus
Also known as Siberian Ginseng
Its adaptogens support:
- efficient oxygenation of cells
- healthy blood sugar levels
- optimal blood pressure
- thyroid and adrenal glands
- immune system
Products that contain eleuthero root
- Stress & Sleep
- Femme Defense
- Blues Buster II
- Fruitful Vine
- Adren-L-Aid
- Adren-L-Aid II
European Elderberry Sambucus nigra
- widely used for antioxidant activity
- supports
- vision
- heart health
- immune system
- provides support for seasonal discomforts and symptom relief
Products that contain European elderberry
- Herbal Vita-Mini
- Herbal Respiratory (European Elder flower)
- Children's Cold Defense
- European Elderberry Extract
False Unicorn Root Chamaelirium luteum
- promote fertility
- balancing hormones
- relieving menstruation pain
- regulating menstruation
- increasing urine flow
- reducing mild inflammation
Products that contain false unicorn root
- Femme Defense
- Fruitful Vine
- Gentle Birth
- HB Formula
- T&C Formula
Gentian Gentiana lutea
- lower bowel transit time
- protect the liver
- support healthy cells
- maintain healthy bile flow
- improve overall digestion
- support gastrointestinal health
- relax muscles
- support regular menstruation
- mild detoxifier
Products that contain Gentian
- Para-Quell
- LiverGlow
Ginger Root Zingiber officinale
- cardiovascular health
- digestive support
- nausea relief
- immune boosting
- anti-fungal, anti-inflammation and anti- bacterial
- weight control
Products that contain Ginger Root:
- Stomach Aid
- Weight Control Formula
- Weight Control Formula II
- Femme Defense
- LiverGlow
- LiverGlow II
- HB Formula
- T&C Formula
- Yeast X1
- Yeast X2
- Para-Quell
- Gentle Birth
Gotu Kola Centella asiatica
- boosting the central nervous system
- support for healthy blood pressure
- improved circulation
- skin repairing properties
Products that contain Gotu Kola
- Herbal Vita-Mini
- Neuro Calming Aid
Grape Seed Vitis vinifery
- high in antioxidants
- help minimize swelling and inflammation
- provides support for many of the body's major systems and organs, including:
- cardiovascular
- circulatory
- liver
- vision
- skin
Products that contain grape seed
- LiverGlow
- LiverGlow II
- Weight Control Formula II
Green Black Walnut Hull Juglans nigra
- tones and helps heal inflamed and damaged tissues
- enhances the elimination of various microbes from the bowel ridding the body of unwanted intestinal invaders
- effectively supports the thyroid, due to its richness in the trace mineral iodine
Products that contain green black walnut hull
- ClarkFX
- Para-Quell
- Green Black Walnut Hull Extract
- Herbal Thyroid Care (Black Walnut Hull powder)
Horsetail Equisetum arvense
- aids the muscoloskeletal and urinary systems
- supports elasticity of blood vessels
- has an effect on collagen and elastin, aiding in healthy hair, skin, and nails
- rich in minerals
- kidney tonic
Products that contain horsetail
- HC Formula
- Femme Defense
- Weight Control & Weight Control II
Marshmallow Althaea officinalis
- traditionally used to soothe and moisten mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive, and urinary tracts
- traditionally used as an external application for soothing wounds and burns
- has the ability to bind and eliminate toxins, allowing the body to cleanse itself
Products that contain marshmallow
- Maxi-Milk
- Yeast X1
- Weight Control Formula II
Nettle Leaf Urtica dioica
Commonly known as Stinging Nettle Leaf, this bitter herb is beset known as a blood purifier. Traditional uses for this herb include:
- increased urine production
- mild laxative
- liver and kidney function support
- defense from seasonal irritants
Products that contain nettle leaf
- Herbal Respiratory
- Maxi-Milk
- HC Formula
- Winter Immune Support
- Herbs & Iron
Olive Leaf Olea europaea
- internal cleansing
- yeast balancing
- antioxidant support
- immune system support
- cardiovascular health
Products that contain olive leaf
- Para-Quell
- Femme Defense
- LiverGlow II
- Winter Immune Support
- Olive Leaf Extract
Passion Flower Leaf Passiflora incarnata
The properties of passion flower have calming, sleep inducing, and muscle spasm relieving effects making it beneficial for:
- sleep issues
- nervous system imbalances
- discomforts associated with tension and stress
- gastrointestinal distress
- soothing the mind
Products that contain passion flower
- Stress & Sleep
- Bed-Time Drops
Propolis Resin Scutellaria lateriflora
- supports immune system
- may have ant-inflammatory effects
- may help maintain healthy skin
Products that contain propolis resin
- Femme Defense
- Weight Control Formula II
- Yeast XII
- Children's Cold Defense
Red Raspberry Leaf Rubus idaeus
- normalize menstrual bleeding
- prevent or relieve nausea while expecting
- prevent spotting during pregnancy
- tone the uterus in preparation for childbirth, helping to minimize pain
Products that contain red raspberry leaf
- Maxi-Milk
- Gentle Birth
- T&C Formula
Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea
- weight control support
- increased energy
- support for healthy cortisol levels
- enhanced mood and brain funtion
Products that contain rhodiola
- Blues Buster II
- Adren-L-Aid II
- Herbal Thyroid Care
Skullcap Scutellaria lateriflora
- used as a tonic and anti-spasmodic
- has sedative properties, so is recommended for almost every ailment of the nervous system, including:
- tremors and muscle spasms
- sleep issues
- emotional stress and anxiety
- nerve pain
- physical sensitivity
- tension discomforts
- can also be used to stimulate kidneys, promoting proper bladder function and relief for seasonal discomforts
Products that contain skullcap
- Bed-Time Drops
- Femme Defense
- Gentle Birth
- Stress & Sleep
St. Johns Wort Hypericum perforatum
- It is most commonly used to naturally support depression and its symptoms:
- anxiety
- tiredness
- loss of appetite
- trouble sleeping
- Also beneficial for cardiovascular health and supports female reproductive health.
Product that contains St. Johns Wort
- Stress & Sleep Formula
Yarrow Achillea millefolium
- known as a blood herb, supporting circulatory function and also acting as a hemostatic when applied to cuts and wounds
- helps promote sweating and cools the body
- uterine stimulant
- helps relieve painful or delayed menstruation
- may help reduce fever, when drank as a tea
Products that contain yarrow leaf and flower
- T&C Formula